As a major starting point for small businesses and government agencies to comprehend and address cybersecurity risk as they indulge with other risks, Cyber Essentials, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released the first in a series of six Cyber Essential Toolkits following its own November 2019 release. CISA's toolkits will give greater detail, insight, and assets on every one of the Cyber Essential' six "Essential Elements" of a Culture of Cyber Readiness. The launch of the introductory "Essential Element: Yourself, The Leader" will be followed every month by another toolkit to compare with every one of the six "Essential Elements." Toolkit 1 targets on the role of leadership in fashioning a culture of cyber readiness in their organization with an accentuation on methodology and investment. CISA Director Christopher Krebs says “We thank all of our partners in government and the private sector who played an essen...
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