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7 Easy Habits to make you Digitally Secure!

So 2019, was quite a year for hackers and security breaches. Countless malware, trojans, ransomware and data breaches attacked the business and financial sector leaving our security and information more exposed and feeble. And these hackers have moved from targeting the rich and high profile to the common people and the consequences can be right down scary. And that's why it becomes imperative that we protect ourselves from these attacks. It may seem like impossible feet but a few simple habits can go a long way to keep us cyber safe and cyber secure. Let's take a look-

1. Antivirus software 
Leaving your computer exposed without any antivirus means you are gladly inviting virus and malware into your system. Installing an antivirus is the first line of defense and quite simple. Using anti-virus software is the foundation from which all your other online safety habits are built. 

2.Thinking free means safe 
Always be aware of freebies on the internet and cyberspace be it free software or free wifi. Especially using free or public wifi can cost you dearly. Since this type of network is open for use by anyone, there’s a high risk of exposing your system to malware and having the information you send or receive (including passwords) viewed and collected by criminals. So, avoid using public wifi and even if you have to consider VPN( Virtual Private Network)

3.“Remind me later” 
FoxNews says, "Are you notorious for rescheduling software updates but never actually installing them? If you often hit the “Remind me later” button, you’re asking for trouble. "Don’t prevent your system from receiving the latest tools and security patches needed to fight off attackers and viruses."

4. Beware of attachments on Emails 
Clicking before you investigate, can be lethal for your security. Many ransomware seems like legit emails from governments and when you click the attachment, the word file activates the ransomware in your system. So, always be prudent about opening attachments and links given in mails.

5. Don't go with the lazy option - set a strong different password 
Using the same password for every platform makes it easier for the hacker to get in your machine. Also, if one platform is hacked it can lead to a chain hacking of your full online presence.

6.Forgetting about your online presence 
FoxNews advises that it’s common to have a ton of online accounts. Over time, you may forget about a few of the ones you rarely use or have stopped using entirely. That means if your account is compromised, you may not even notice. Jot down all the accounts you’ve created and routinely go through and delete those you no longer use.

7.Accepting terms you never read 
And the last and most common mistake that we are all guilty of- accept terms and conditions without reading them. Apps and software can easily access our data, pictures, SMS, and others legally and easily because of this.

Today, the world is getting smart, everything is connected from your phone to your TV with the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and thus it's important to adopt some healthy security habits.



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